Wednesday, June 20, 2018

What a Long Strange Trip It's Been

What a Long Strange Trip It's Been is the title of a compilation album by the Grateful Dead. You can simply find that out from an easy Google search. Duh!

More importantly, it also is a statement that many of us can agree upon when reflecting on the journey that we call life. I use it ALL.THE.TIME. It's only appropriate that I title my first post in this journey that I will call a "blog". It truly has been a long strange trip. I also remember the title of the Grateful Dead's album because Bill Bradley mentioned it during his unsuccessful 2000 Presidential campaign. I remember thinking to myself that a 50 something politician likes the Grateful Dead?!?! Side note - didn't every kid in the 90s have a Grateful Dead shirt? Looking back on that memory, I appreciate Mr. Bradley staying true to himself and what he personally enjoyed. It's also something that I was fond of in President Obama. These gentlemen shared the music that they love with the world as a reflection of themselves. Being an elementary principal, I share my love of music as often as I can. It's something I've even started with my staff every morning in our daily email.

I've debated on how to start this blog for quite some time and the first post is always the hardest. We've all had the same thoughts when writing - Is the title catchy enough? Do I have the right graphics? Will people actually read this? My idea in starting this collection of thoughts is simple - I am going to be highlighting the songs, albums, and genres that have shaped my life and memories. Who knows where it will all lead. I personally owe a lot this to my ability to remember really random "things". My hope is that it will make you laugh, maybe cry, or reconnect to a time in your life. I must include a disclaimer in this first post in that I was born in the early 80s. This will definitely play a large role in subsequent posts. I am what some may classify as a xennial. My xennial journey will take you from my analog childhood to living in a digital adulthood 

Ride along with me on this strange trip! 

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